
Producer of competitive
& renewable energy

Kallista Energy is an independent electricity producer since 2005.

The group has adopted a long-term approach with the goal to produce electricity at the best economic & environmental cost.

We rely on growth in volumes and on the geographical and technological diversity of our facilities in order to manage restrictions in the market and changes in regulation as effectively as possible.

Kallista Energy manages and operates its own facilities, making it one of the leading wind energy operators in France.

Integrated skills

Kallista Energy is involved in all stages of the realisation of wind energy projects: development, acquisition, funding, construction and operation. Our group not only manages its assets rigorously, but is also a platform for development and operation, with the most up-to-date technical resources and highly qualified staff. The group’s management strategy is based on very exacting quality standards and long-term partnerships with suppliers, which enable us to capitalise on the work carried out and experience gained.

We develop an environment of thoroughness, trust and transparency that can only be achieved with well-established teams and a long-term vision. Our team includes employees who bring additional skills that increase our levels of quality and responsiveness: development, acquisition (M&A, due diligence, counseling), financing, construction, maintenance and supervision.

Long-term committed shareholders

Kallista Energy can plan its activities over the long term thanks to its institutional shareholders: APG, the largest pension fund for civil servants in the Netherlands, and Ardian, a private investment company and world leader in non-listed investments. These two players are particularly attentive to the social and environmental impact of their investments and encourage Kallista Energy in the continual improvement of its impacts, for instance through an annual evaluation of our actions by the GRESB.

The vast majority of employees of Kallista Energy are shareholders in the company since 2020. Our team is fully in line with the company’s values and vision and each employee is involved over the long term to ensure the success and continuity of our projects.

An energy operator with energy production expertise

  • Acquisition
  • Development
  • Funding
  • Construction
  • Operation & maintenance
  • Repowering
  • Production of competitive & renewable energy

Our key figures

438 MW

(+40% of the capital of Windpark Krammer (102 MW) in The Netherlands)

38 parks

(wind & solar) in operation

80 employees

92 million euros

of revenues in 2022 for the Kallista Energy Group

The environmental balance sheet of our facilities

845 000 MWh

generated per year

380 000 inhabitants

(annual consumption of electricity including heating)

6 billion km

travelled by an electric car